Monday, October 29, 2018

Cyber bully and Internet stalking

Ø Cyber bully:
-         Cyberbullying is when kids use online technology to hurt other kids. In other words, they use the Internet to harass and embarrass people.
-         Example:
·        Posting hurtful things about someone on social media.
·        Spreading rumors or gossip about someone online.
·        Making fun of someone in an online chat that includes multiple people.
·        Attacking or killing an avatar or character in an online game, constantly and on purpose.
·        Pretending to be another person by creating a fake online profile.
·        Threatening or intimidating someone online or in a text message.
·        Taking an embarrassing photo or video and sharing it without permission.

Ø Internet Stalking:
-         Internet stalking or cyber stalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization.
-         It may include false accusationsdefamationslander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten, embarrass or harass.


  1. defamation atau fitnah di cyber juga kesalahan cyber.

  2. Cyber bully can lead the victim into commiting suicide

  3. Apakah cara kita nak elakkan cyber bully ?

  4. Apakah cara kita nak elakkan cyber bully ?

  5. example of cyber bully is using social media to create a negative image of the bullied

  6. Cyber bullying is wrong doing ! And so is internet stalking!

  7. Cyber bullying and internet stalking both two boleh jejaskan kesihatan mental, emosi , rohani and jasmani mangsa..

  8. cyberbullying are also known as online bullying.

  9. So, internet stalking is the use of internet to stalk an individual, group or organization.

  10. cyber bullying is one of a characteristics on cyber crimes.
