Monday, October 29, 2018

Copyright Infrigement

Ø Direct infrigement:
-         When a person without authorization reproduces, distributes, displays, or performs a copyrighted work, or prepares a dervative work based on a copyrighted work.
Ø Contributory infrigment:
-         Someone who has not actively participated in infringing activities, but has nevertless contributed to the infringment violations.
-         Example:
·        Would be posting access codes from authorized copies software, serial number, or other tools to assist in accessing in software.
·        Providing a forum for uploading and downloading any copyrighted file or code cracking utility.


  1. Siapa yg buat sendiri kesalahan dianggap direct infringement.

  2. Contributory infrigment can be charged to the people that provide cracked software in any website

  3. Copyright laws are designed to protect the creator of original works, which are creative expressions from others using and profiting their work, without permission.

  4. Satu lagi copyright infrigement adalah vicarious infrigment.

  5. Vicarious infringement means holding someone liable for copyright infringement even when that person is not the one who did the infringing.
