Monday, October 29, 2018

Trademark, copyright and patent

1.     INSYIRAH BINTI MIOR RAYMAN                             (01DIS17F1939)
2.     MIMI AMIRAH BINTI CHE ABDUL                           (01DIS17F1045)
3.     NUR AFIQAH BINTI MOHAMAD RAMLEE             (01DIS17F1057)

Ø Trademark:
-         It protects a name, word, slogan, symbol, design, and/or image identifying a business or brand and distinguishing it from others in the same field.
-         Example:
 – The McDonalds golden arch is a classic example of a symbol trademark.  Golden arches align interstate highways to alert customers when there is a McDonalds located at next exit.  There is no mention of the name McDonalds on these golden arches.  McDonalds does not need to.  The general public, by in large, as well as their customers know that a golden arch represents McDonalds.  Their golden arch symbol clearly differentiates them from other fast food restaurants.

Ø Copyright:
-         Copyright can be sought for by authors, artists, choreographers, architects, and other creative professionals. While an idea cannot be copyrighted, the tangible form of an idea can be.
-         Example:  This includes original works of authorship, photographs, sculptures, choreography, architectural works, sound recordings, motion pictures, and other creative works.

Ø Patent
-         Inventors and designers file for patents. A patent protects inventions with a new or improved function.
-         Example:  Machines, processes, or chemical compositions, or the design for some product.

Copyright Infrigement

Ø Direct infrigement:
-         When a person without authorization reproduces, distributes, displays, or performs a copyrighted work, or prepares a dervative work based on a copyrighted work.
Ø Contributory infrigment:
-         Someone who has not actively participated in infringing activities, but has nevertless contributed to the infringment violations.
-         Example:
·        Would be posting access codes from authorized copies software, serial number, or other tools to assist in accessing in software.
·        Providing a forum for uploading and downloading any copyrighted file or code cracking utility.

Cyber bully and Internet stalking

Ø Cyber bully:
-         Cyberbullying is when kids use online technology to hurt other kids. In other words, they use the Internet to harass and embarrass people.
-         Example:
·        Posting hurtful things about someone on social media.
·        Spreading rumors or gossip about someone online.
·        Making fun of someone in an online chat that includes multiple people.
·        Attacking or killing an avatar or character in an online game, constantly and on purpose.
·        Pretending to be another person by creating a fake online profile.
·        Threatening or intimidating someone online or in a text message.
·        Taking an embarrassing photo or video and sharing it without permission.

Ø Internet Stalking:
-         Internet stalking or cyber stalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization.
-         It may include false accusationsdefamationslander and libel. It may also include monitoring, identity theft, threats, vandalism, solicitation for sex, or gathering information that may be used to threaten, embarrass or harass.

Electronic Signature and Digital Signature

Electronic Signature
Digital Signature
An electronic signature, or e-signature, refers to data in electronic form, which is logically associated with other data in electronic form and which is used by the signatory to sign.

A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for presenting the authenticity of digital messages or documents.
A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that offers more security than a traditional electronic signature..
Many people are familiar with this. This when you sign the electronic pad when you purchase something at Wal-Mart using your credit/debit card. Many other store chains use this type of signature such as Giant, GameStop, Best Buy and Target.


Here are “official signatures” where the user must type their name as their signature to a document.
         When you sign a document with a digital signature, the signature links a “fingerprint” of the document to your identity. Then that information is permanently embedded into the document, and the document will show if someone comes in and tries to tamper with it after you’ve signed it

Cybercrimes; against person, against property, and against government

·         Against person (Distribution)
Threatening a person with fear for their lives or lives of their families through the use of a computer network i.e. email, videos or phones.
Distribution of person sensitive privacy issues.
·         Against property (Computer vandalism)
Destroying or damaging the data when a network service is stopped or disrupted.
Damage the computers and data and effect the services that businesses deliver.
·         Against government (Threaten the government)
These crimes are committed for the purpose of spreading terror among people of a particular country by circulating false information.
Cyber criminals hack Company websites, government firm, and military websites or circulate propaganda.

Conventional Law and Conversional Law

Conventional law
Conversional law
·         Rules as decided between persons, countries and organizations.
·         Laws that deals with wrong in which one converts another’s property to his/her own use, which is a fancy way of saying “steals”.
·         The U.S. and Canada have a bilateral trade treaty.
·         Gamma takes furniture belonging to Delta and puts it into storage, without Delta's consent (and especially if Delta does not know where Gamma put it).